Although June went by in the blink of an eye, it’s been a busy month for the LMNHS Food Hub. Check out what’s been happening at the Community Garden, Food Distribution Program and the Yard Garden Program.
Our highlights:
Guided Work Parties at RPCG

Yard Garden Harvest Program
We’re proud to say we had:
10 volunteer shifts in June
24 unique volunteers
125 volunteer hours
102 lbs harvested

Food Distribution Program

Other highlights include…
Arborist Appreciation Day
Hillcrest Festival
Donation Station at the Vancouver Farmers Market
Launching the BCAFM Farmers Market Nutrition Coupon Program and distributing coupon sheets
Wow! What a truly incredible month it has been. A huge thank you goes out to all our amazing volunteers and staff for making it all possible. If you are interested in volunteering with us in any (or all!) of these programs or events, click here.
We are eagerly anticipating the opportunities and developments that the next month will bring!