Garden Diary: April 9th 2020

Carol and Art planted early potatoes today. There are 6 different varieties as follows from north (foreground) to south:

1. La Ratte yellow fingerling

2. Russet

3 Sieglinde yellow

4.White Rose

5. Yukon Gold

6. Red Chieftain

Rows are 0.5 m apart and approx. 15 cm deep. Seed pieces were planted 30 cm apart in the rows in blocks of 8 plants of each variety. Seed pieces were covered by about 2 to 4 cm of soil to be followed by further “hilling up” as the plants grow. This plot had received the standard application of 2 to 4 cm of Net Zero compost on April 2. 

Thanks to Helmer’s Organic Farm in the Pembertion Valley for the donation of seed potatoes. Support them at the Farmers Market.

Note that soil temperatures at about 5cm depth at mid day today was 15C, up from around 10 to 11 two days ago. The spring is starting to warm up and it’s a good time to plant cool season crops.

Until next time gardeners,

the Riley Park Garden team.