By Bernice Ng
Preparing tomato samples.
On Sunday, August 20, we held our Tomato Festival in the garden. Despite the smoky circumstances, we had a great turnout of participants. Alex, our master gardener, gave a demonstration of how to save seeds from the tomatoes we sampled. There were seven main varieties this year (Here is a video from our Instagram page that shows the different types). The top two favourites amongst our group were Black Krim and Brad’s Atomic Grape.
Participants sampling varieties of tomatoes.
The first of many helpings during the potluck.
Following this, we had our tomato potluck. There were dishes from every cuisine, and all of them were delicious. Almost all of the ingredients featured in these dishes were sourced right from our garden! How cool is that?
A beautiful tomato flatbread made by Catherine Hoy.
Thank you to everyone who joined us, and we cannot wait to see everyone again at our next event.