The perfect temperature for gardening, partly overcast with nice breezes!
Checking on our vertical gardens!
Citizen Seed trial, bush beans
busy working away!
We harvested a whooping 1.5kg of blueberries. Our blueberry bushes have been so productive that there will be many more to come! Our wonderful volunteers also weeded out plantain from our pollinator flower beds to make room for more pollinator flowers.
The paths around the garden were also looking a bit sparse, so we redistributed mulch around the garden. There was so mulch mulch, and it was tumulchous to move around but we did it! Puns courtesy of Art! The mulch had only been sitting around for 5 or 6 days but had already started composting and reached a whooping 45 Celcius! Our resident soil expert Art mentioned that if you needed to rid your compost of pathogens you’d want to have your compost reach 55C for over 15 days.
Thank you very mulch to devinearboriculture for donating the mulch (contact information below)!
Selina gave us a great demonstration on how to make Calendula and St. John Wort infused oils. So simple, why not give it a try!
St. John’s Wort
Selina teaching us about home made salves
Making calendula oils!