Guided Work Party - Aug 17

Thinking about fall plantings, we got some alliums into the ground. Alliums (think onions, leeks, etc.) are generally quite cold hardy, just remember to give them water after transplanting!

For fall planting, the idea is to get seedlings in at the end of summer to get a good start. Then later in the fall they’ll do the most of their growing with many fall veggies liking an optimum 10 - 15 degrees celsius. Brassicas like kale and overwintering cauliflowers are good. For some more options see Linda Gilkeson’s blog (1, 2)!

It was quite hot, so we set up a tent over the rows to be weeded.

Beans and blueberries galore! There were so many harvested, after distributing to all the gardeners there were still lots left over for the community fridge at Main and King Edward. There was also lots of kale and arugula!

We ended the day with some relaxing, socializing, and snacking! Tasty soft cookies and ice cream washed down with some apple cider.


