Woo! It’s finally starting to feel like Summer. The temperature is getting to high 20s, so we pulled out the rotating sprinkler to water the rewilder garden beds and also to cool off the hardworking volunteers. The compost reached 27 Celsius yet again. New recruit Hugo helped with stirring the compost and adding some more chopped up ingredients.
The broad beans from the citizen seed trial were under review for germination as it has been 2 weeks since we seeded them. We wanted to compare the effects of potting mix on germination by seeding half of the plot on a bed of potting mix and the other half without. Interestingly, it appears that the potting mix does give a boost to the seedlings and germinates better!
We harvested a few more garlic scapes, broccoli heads, as well as a variety of salad green as they are beginning to bolt in this heat. The Strawberry Tea event was right after the work party, so the volunteers were able to get a delicious lunch made by Cat Poppins.
A shade cloth was added to the vertical garden to protect the sensitive lettuce greens from the heat.
Runner beans are showing up.
The two rows on the right side are seeded with a layer of potting mix. You can visually see a difference!
Adding more materials to the compost.