Perfect gardening weather, cloudy but dry. We had a good team today who enthusiastically waged war on the weeds in the orchard, herb bed, strawberry/blueberry patch and the leeks and onion bed. A new recruit was given charge of sifting some compost to enable us to pot up half a dozen gifted heritage raspberries (reputed to come from a 100 year old orchard) and giving the compost a stir, after which Bin 1 was completely filled up with fresh annual weeds and some comfrey, which should give it a boost. A small team trimmed the vegetative growth from the espaliered fruit trees in the orchard, this will encourage the tree to concentrate on growing fruit instead of leaves. Wenwen removed the plastic ties from the branches now that the trees have got used to their shape. We also managed to find and fix a couple of leaks in the irrigation system, hooray!
Full compost bin!!
Neat espaliered orchard
Bad aphid infestations were found on two apricot trees!
Potting up the raspberries