City Beets Support our Food Hub

The LMNH Food Hub is so excited to announce our new partnership with City Beet Farm and their plans to grow fresh, local vegetables for our Food Distribution Program. 

The LMNH Food Distribution Program operates on a weekly basis and aims to provide healthy, culturally appropriate fresh produce and non-perishable food items at no cost. The need for fresh produce is high in our community. On average each week at our program we serve: 69 unique households, 202 unique individuals, 51 unique children, and 43 unique seniors. We also currently have 31 people on our waitlist and expect this number to continue to increase. 

We have launched a fundraiser with City Beet Farm and our goal is to raise $6000 dollars so that they can provide us with 80 produce items (example: 80 bunches of carrots, 80 heads of lettuce, etc.) each week for the duration of the growing season. Every dollar donated will be used to grow this fresh produce which will be distributed directly to our program participants. 

At LMNH, we believe that everybody deserves to have access to fresh, local, nutritious, and culturally appropriate produce. You can help! Visit