On The Table BC Art Installation

In our On the Table event, participants were invited to reflect on these questions: How does food connect us? How do we redistribute food? What connects us to community? What do we value? Which stories can we find around us? Together, we started a weaving collage at one entrance of the garden. We also created cards by combining images and drawings. As a temporary installation, the cards and the weaving remind us of the creativity and joy we all partake in when growing food together. 


APPLY NOW: Neighbourhood Small Grants

This coming winter could be tough as we reduce our physical contacts with people outside our household. But that doesn’t mean we have to forget about community.

In fact, we’ll need community more than ever! So, think about sharing your talents & skills through a virtual event, reaching out to support neighbours, building something for your community garden, creating art in your neighbourhood or helping make Central Vancouver a greener space.

Once you have an idea:

Create or log on to your NGS account at neighbourhoodsmallgrants.ca

Submit your application for an RNSG or GCNSG grant anytime between September 14th and October 30th, 2020. You can ask for up to $500.

Our local grant committee will review your project within a few weeks.

Once you receive your funding, your project should take place before March 15th, 2021.

Reach us at info@rileyparkgarden.org for more information or inspiration for ideas!

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Bottoms up in the border!

Today at Riley Park our volunteers  planted 225 cloves of garlic (Red Russian, Porcelain Music & Salt Spring Select varieties).

Growing garlic is one of the easiest crops there is, it needs virtually no care until harvest time in 9 months. Use only local garlic that is accustomed to our local climate. Gently break apart the individual cloves (without tearing the protective covering of each clove); plant 4” deep & 6” apart. Mulch with leaves over winter.
According to Dan Jason of Salt Spring Seeds, growing our own garlic is not only more tasty than anything you’d buy in the grocery store, it also reduces ‘the vast and unnecessary waste of non-renewable resources incurred by transporting garlic thousands of miles‘ (from Changing the Climate With the Seeds We Sow 2019) - so you’re doing your bit for climate change as well!

We also dismantled the small irrigation lines and put the hoses away for the season.
9 kg of Tomatillos were harvested, some green beans, a few cucumbers, hot peppers and basil.
A lovely Arabic lunch was provided by Silva to top off a wonderful afternoon in the garden
