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LMNHS x Food Stash Foundation

LMNHS has been partnering with Food Stash for over 3 years, as they help support our Food Distribution Program. This blog post showcases some of the incredible work that Food Stash does as well as the impact that our partnership has on our food security initiatives.  

What does Food Stash do? 

Food Stash is a food recovery program aimed to prevent food waste and increase people's access to healthy food. They pick up surplus food from grocery stores and deliver it to nonprofits and charities across Vancouver. In its partnership with LMNHS, Food Stash delivers rescued food to our Food Distribution Program.  

The recovered food includes perishables that are past their best before date or produce is “ugly” with slight imperfections.  LMNHS receives a weekly delivery to support the over 85 households that are in the program. We have a great relationship with our Food Stash delivery driver who knows our preferences and capacity.  

How does the partnership between Food Stash and LMNHS increase food security for community members? 

The partnership recovers food that would end up in waste while also encouraging a conversation about best-before dates. Food can be eaten much later than the best-before date and it is still safe. The partnership also provides LMNHS with a greater variety of food that we can distribute to our clients. 

Food Stash also: 

  • Fills up community fridges 

  • Advocates for food justice and works with other Agencies and community partners to address the systemic root causes of food insecurity 

We are excited for the partnership between LMNHS and Food Stash to continue to strengthen and grow. Click here to learn more about the Food Stash Foundation.